FMCG & Retail

Retails are the real force towards helping biodegradable packaging

This tool can significantly help you reduce founder burnout.


+ 0 %
Since 2022.


+ 0 %
Compared to 1H last year.

Global FMCG & Retail BPO market is expected to grow to $180 billion by 2027. Due to Avg. increase in Customer satisfaction of more than 10%.

Alternative revenue streams: Local convenience stores catering to a bigger audience.

Global businesses are becoming uniquely comprehensive in their service offerings, this not only becomes an inspiration but also offers a roadmap for SMEs to diversify and develop alternative income streams. Discover how with the use of talent, tech and business strategies, your convenience store can become a centralized hub to gather masses. Pragmatic Core talks about how global resources can help local convenience stores develop multidimensional service capabilities, cater to a wide demographic, and take the lead amongst regional competitors.

Curious for More? Lets unlock possibilities together

Service portfolio


Consumer brands are being compelled to reevaluate their strategy and adopt novel tactics as the FMCG & Retail market undergoes seismic shifts. The need to streamline operations and discover new growth opportunities is more critical than ever in light of shifting distribution structures and the proliferation of direct-to-consumer strategies.

Finding your way through the complex retail environment can be difficult. Competition is intensified by the rise of e-commerce and omnichannel approaches, while shrinking profit margins prompt the search for more efficient supply chains. To further complicate matters, cybersecurity concerns have emerged at a time when protecting customer data is more important than ever in order to provide a bespoke service.

To survive these changes, you need to do more than just adapt; you need to evolve. By collaborating with companies all along the value chain for consumer goods, Pragmatic Core is able to turn disruptions in the market into opportunities for expansion.

We at Pragmatic Core specialize in improving retail operations and cutting down on wasteful processes. With our help, businesses can redefine their supply chains for more quick, robust, and cost-effective fulfillment of customer orders by customizing the customer experience throughout the whole buying cycle, including product selection, pricing, and promotional offers.

The need for technological change is critical. Foresight into the future is made easier with our assistance as you shift to a more agile, product-based operating model and prioritize innovation, automation, and data management. By expanding into fast-growing industries like retail media, data monetization, and developing marketplaces, we open up new avenues for generating revenue.

Cooperation between us also includes establishing ecosystems and expanding capacities. Through ecosystem role definition and the cultivation of in-house knowledge via smart mergers and acquisitions and collaborations, Pragmatic Core facilitates long-term development. As businesses move toward a greener tomorrow, we lay forth concrete strategies for starting ESG journeys and methodically tackling problems.

With Pragmatic Core on your side, navigating the upheaval in the FMCG & Retail industry may be a springboard to growth and innovation. Our strategic advice, technical expertise, and dedication to efficiency help companies change their courses, win over customers, and confidently face the future.

Our Insights

Zen, Recession and Retail.

As the world pulls itself back from the post-pandemic depression, technological changes have brought great opportunities laying ahead with greater expectations. Tech-infused experience has become part of usual life, which brings retailers to a unique dilemma of transformation. With the risk of sustainability looming over their heads, small retailers are hesitant in conforming to these needs whilst worrying about their competition.

As the young demographic takes the lead as competition, Pragmatic Core believes there’s still a shot to finding recession defying, zen experience in retail.