
Mental Health in the Workplace: Building a Supportive and Resilient Workforce

This tool can significantly help you reduce founder burnout.


+ 0 %
Compared to 1H last year.


+ 0 %
since Jan'2023.

Global healthcare BPO market is expected to reach $468.5 billion by 2026.

The Role of Digital Marketing in Healthcare: Reaching and Engaging Patients

Explore the transformative power of digital marketing in the healthcare industry. Digital marketing does not only revolutionize the delivery of healthcare services by facilitating direct patient communication and fostering a patient-centric approach but further expands the opportunity for fairer and equitable reach to healthcare around the world. Digital marketing not only paves the way for digital transformation but takes you a step further with the right use of capital. With real time data and demographics, healthcare institutions can better facilitate based on urgency and priority. Moreover, This presents a direction to structured development and increases possibilities of live monitoring, all of this with increased economies of scale helps to create space for optimized sustainable approach.

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There is no denying that operational efficiency faces obstacles in the fluid world of global healthcare. Aging populations, increasing rates of chronic disease, rising healthcare expenses, wider availability of health information, and rapid technological advancements all provide significant challenges for nations worldwide. Pragmatic Core is a staunch ally in this complicated environment, providing targeted tactics to create financial and managerial space to solve these problems head-on.

Despite spending approximately 18% of GDP on healthcare, the United States falls well short of its international rivals. Quality and results are lower than in other wealthy countries despite substantial spending. This situation is a worldwide problem because it highlights the necessity of balancing rising costs, changing consumer expectations, and the transition to value-based care. This calls for a critical examination of healthcare’s foundational tenets.

The healthcare environment is complex, and in order to fully grasp it, Pragmatic Core takes a holistic approach. Our comprehensive approach involves enhancing processes, incorporating carefully selected technologies, streamlining service efficiency, and maintaining structural flexibility. We give healthcare providers the tools they need to propel innovation, control costs, and make the most of digital advances to create long-term value through this combination.

Our experience working with businesses throughout the world have given us a deep understanding of the many players in the value chain, which is the basis of our service offering. We develop plans to improve data processing efficiency, patient involvement and responsiveness, management operations, optimization of resource-intensive processes, driving technology-enabled transformation, and fostering heightened social engagement through this comprehensive experience.

The growing shift towards patient-centric models requires a rapid and complete digital transformation, which is something that Pragmatic Core recognizes as being crucially important. Every part of healthcare delivery, from the patient’s experience to the back-end systems that keep hospitals running, needs a digital makeover to keep up with the times. The world’s recent experiences have shown us that this change is urgent, proving that our method is right on time.

By working with Pragmatic Core, healthcare practitioners can more easily face and overcome these difficulties. Through a goal-specific strategy, an intent-driven operating model, and a resource-optimized framework, our knowledge and experience push healthcare systems toward operational excellence. The dedication of Pragmatic Core to increasing agility, efficiency, and unyielding goal alignment provides a rock-solid basis for a game-changing future.

Our Insights

Preserving the Passion: Combating Healthcare Burnout Through Holistic Well-being

Whilst medicine stands the top of prestige in all the professions, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.1.7 million medical professionals have resigned in the year 2021-2022 alone. These statistics more or less makes it beyond obvious to have healthcare institutions compelled to take initiatives to battle employee burnout.
Whilst other professions may have less urgency or more time to spare, medical professions are always on the edge of their physical and mental exhaustion limits. Pragmatic Core discusses possible solution to a comprehensive, collective and cost-effective approach.