Manufacturing & Engineering

Industrial manufacturers preparing for smart cities

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Global manufacturing and engineering BPO market is projected to reach USD 187.2 billion by 2028, at a CAGR of 7.2%.

How small manufacturers can create sustainable opportunities through effective marketing.

Establishing a strong brand identity can be challenging for small manufacturers, in today’s world having discretion navigate its way to your brand and ideation is a unilateral path which requires profound curiosity and nerve testing creativity. Inability to create distinction can submerge your value proposition in the bed of noise.

Pragmatic Core discusses adaptive marketing strategies and elements that help enhance market reach and visibility, to drive growth for SMEs in competitive manufacturing industry.

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Participants in the ever-changing field of industrial services face a fork in the road as they attempt to adapt to an environment that is changing at a rate never seen before. Market growth obstacles, a shifting competitive landscape, and an influx of disruptive service offerings and technology force companies providing industrial services to take stock of where they stand today and plan for the future.

Advanced Industry 4.0 technologies are propelling the manufacturing and engineering sectors into a new era of radical change. These developments will likely lead to a radical rethinking of capabilities and the introduction of a new age of solutions-focused business models. A new generation of market entrants, unhindered by old models, is changing the industrial landscape as new technologies enable increasingly complex end-to-end automation and strong data analytics.

Manufacturers of machinery and industrial automation systems face the necessity of enhancing resilience in the post-pandemic environment. It is crucial to digitize operations and services, create product offers that are in line with environmental sustainability and green technologies, and weather economic storms as the world recovers from the devastating effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In the future years, suppliers of manufacturing machines, components, and industrial automation systems will have to juggle two sets of obligations. First, their products are the spark plugs that transform other manufacturers into highly automated, digitized, and environmentally responsible operations. Second, their success in the coming decade will depend on how well they understand and capitalize on the most important changes in the equipment and industrial automation sector.

The question that this confluence begs to answer is how and to what extent manufacturers are willing to accept the necessary change. A shift in tools and the expertise of their application are necessary to adapt and cultivate a future-proof organizational structure. It takes a large strategic commitment, backed by a deep reservoir of resources, to coordinate these structural and operational transformations.

On this path to the future of manufacturing and engineering mastery, Pragmatic Core can be your relentless guide. Our teamwork-based method not only equips you to handle the challenges, but also to exploit the possibilities. Collectively, we can build a strong plan as we move through this time of transition, cementing your company’s position as an industry leader in manufacturing and engineering.

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Women taking lead in Manufacturing and Engineering industry