Oil & Gas

Sustainable Workforce development in oil and Gas industry

How to navigate ever changing dynamics and concerns of workforce


+ 0 %
In comparison to 2022, mostly SMEs in O&G distribution.


+ 0 %
Up since 2022.

Global oil and gas distribution BPO market is expected to grow from $50 billion in 2022 to $75 billion by 2027.

Business beyond gas stations and distribution unit

Time and again geopolitics has presented Oil and Gas SMEs with growth setbacks, with unpredictable volatility bound to market navigating growth can be cumbersome. Pragmatic Core discusses growth opportunities for SMEs like independent gas stations and distribution units.
As automation, datafication, and digitalization steps into a new era with AI, new avenues open up to boost venture expansion and capture untapped opportunities.

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One of the greatest difficulties ever faced by the oil and gas industry is occurring right now. For businesses like these, having a map based on expert insight is crucial, as it will help them plot a course toward success in the unpredictable future.

We have an in-depth understanding of the complications that the oil and gas business faces. The volatile commodity prices, shifting demand patterns, shifting regulatory landscapes, and complex finance requirements all have significant impacts on the carbon emissions reductions race. Even the most seasoned businesses will find it challenging to evaluate and adjust to this new setting.

In the midst of all this turmoil, businesses are venturing out as pioneers to find the best way forward, navigating the waters of energy transition, decarbonization imperatives, fluctuating oil prices, and the adoption of ever-more-complex government mandates.

New company models, transformative ideas, digital and operational methodologies, and finely tuned cost reduction programs are all introduced as the story progresses. These initiatives are resonating as foundational pillars of the oil and gas value chain, driving the shift toward decarbonization.

Steering the course within this dynamic milieu, where capital allocation and the pursuit of sustainable competitive advantage intertwine, has never been as intricate. Distinct concerns surface, demanding resolute attention:

1. Cost of Energy Transition and Advancements: The acceleration of renewable energy development and electric vehicle adoption precipitates the hastening of peak oil demand.

2. Managing Natural Gas Reliance: As a bridge fuel towards renewables, natural gas fuels a surge in global liquid natural gas (LNG) flows, marking a transition from oil and gas to gas and oil.

3. Decarbonization’s Innovation Imperative: Striving for decarbonization, the industry ushers in a new era of technologies and philosophies to mitigate emissions and cultivate sustainable operations.

4. ESG’s Ascendant Role: Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) programs metamorphose into integral facets of operations and outcomes, weaving an ethical tapestry for the industry.

5. Unconventional Resource Business Model Unveiled: E&P companies recalibrate their strategies amidst poor returns, propelled by aggressive cost curtailments, M&A pursuits, and portfolio rationalization.

6. Technology’s Disruptive Symphony: The advent of transformative technologies like the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and automation recalibrate the oil and gas value chain, poised with both transformative promise and calculated risks.

In this period of rapid change, Pragmatic Core is your unflinching compass, steering the oil and gas industry towards groundbreaking resilience. The ability to overcome obstacles, seize opportunities, and leave a legacy of innovation is strengthened by our team’s collective efforts. In tandem, we can create a story of change that foresees not only surviving, but thriving, in the midst of transition.

Our Insights

Stepping into the future of energy

Surging global production demand, climatic disruption, sustainable transformation, and much more is now more than ever part of our conversation. Global pursuit to develop a sustainable industrial environmental growth mechanism continues to surge. Yet the desperation lingers to find its significance.

Pragmatic Core discusses the future of energy and pathways to collect efforts at the core of communal ideation.